
Sunday, 2 October 2011

Tweetup 'Twespians' to perform in a WestEnd play!

"Backstage Cameras, Blogging Breaks and Tweeting Twesbians will all play their part in a exciting version of the stage play’ The Virginity Project".

The performance is one of the first plays to be based on a blog (which is now also a published into a book).

The Virginity Project Blog, is presently nominated for an Online Cosmo award. It attempts to capture the true everyday virginity loss stories from all kinds of people. It was originated by Londoner Kate Monro with different members of society publishing their own experiences on the blog. Creative Producer Chris Mellor has now turned the Blog into a three week interactive play at the Tristan Bates Theatre, complete with true life audience confessions at every performance.

The Theatrical Twitter Meetup group 'Twesbians' will be taking over the theatre on Thursday the 13th October in a extra special collaborative performance .

Chris says "we are using digital technologies to not only live stream the stage action online, we are also putting cameras in the backstage dressing rooms for both theatre and online audiences. The shows structure will be based around a series of ‘blogging breaks for the audience to blog or tweet their own stories in response to the Virginity loss stories performed. The audience will therefore get a chance to tell their intimate sex stories, as part of the plays action either on stage or online".

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