I have translated the Turkish protest hashtags into English. I have done this to help those who do not understand Turkish to get a better understanding of what is happening in Turkey. I hope that these translations will help people to research the reasons why the protests are taking place against the Turkish government in Turkey and across the globe
Social media ensured that the voices from the Turkish protesters have been heard. The international media was very slow to cover demonstrations held in Turkey despite the uproar on Twitter and the violent scenes filmed and distributed across social media sites. On Friday the hashtag #DirenGeziParkı (which translates to 'stand strong those protesting in Gezi Park') became the top tweeted hashtag across the globe as the violence intensified. Other hashtags also filled the top spots during the course of the day. However it didn't make the national TV news within the UK until the continued protesting on Saturday and today.
Turkish protest hashtags translated into English.
- #TAYYİPSANAGÜLEGÜLE - " Goodbye Tayyip" (statement to indicate that Tayyip Erdogan the current prime minister is going to be forced out of power soon)
- #cnnntvhabertürküBOYKOTEDİYORUZ -" We boycott CNNTV and Haber Turk" (CNN in Turkey and Haber Turk TV Station are state controlled. This hashtag is used to raise the awareness that the reporting by the state media is not subjective. A petition about CNN needing to re-claim the TV station has now been launched.
- #DictatorErdogan "Dictator Erdogan" (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's is the Prime Minister in Turkey. His leadership is being compared to that of a Dictator)
- StopLie AboutTurkey "Stop Lying about Turkey" (Directed to the government who are reporting a very different story to that told by the protesters).
- #occupygezi "Occupy Gezi" - (Occupy Gezi Park, the place where the protests started. Gezi Park is one of the last green areas in central Istanbul. It is due to be developed into a shopping mall despite the wishes of many).
- #direngeziparki "Stand Strong Gezi Park" (Stand Strong those protesting in Gezi Park)
- #taksim - "Taksim" - Taksim is a popular area to visit and socialise in within Istanbul. It is near Gezi Park. Taksim Square is one of the areas in Turkey where a large protest is taking place.
- #direnankara "Stay Strong Ankara". Ankara is the capital of Turkey and an area where a lot of protests are currently taking place against the government. It is also the location of the Prime Ministers office.
Turkish Police brutally disperse Istanbul crowds
Why are the Turkish People Fighting?
Protesters clean up Gezi Park to keep the protests as clean as possible

The protests against Recep Tayyip Erdoğan continue across Turkey with demonstrations outside Turkish embassies in London, New York, Barcelona and across the globe.
Feel free to tweet this post adding the Turkish protest hashtags to spread it far and wide: #TAYYİPSANAGÜLEGÜLE, #cnnntvhabertürküBOYKOTEDİYORUZ #DictatorErdogan #occupygezi #direngeziparki #taksim #direnankara
Blog post via Social Media Strategist